
postheadericon Lacquer-Stik Paintstick, White

you looking for low-priced Lacquer-Stik Paintstick, White?

Save On Lacquer-Stik Paintstick, White Online

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells Lacquer-Stik Paintstick, White and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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Lacquer-Stik Paintstick, White Overview

51120 NONE: NONE (part# 51120) This item features: -Specially formulated paint in stick form designed to color-brighten stamped or engraved lines and lettering. -Paint stays flexible, expands and contracts with the surface. -Contains no solvents. -Long-lasting will not rub off or smear. -No mess or waste, eliminates dripping brushes and paint spills. -Temp. Range: -50.0 F [Min], 150.0 F [Max]. -Applicable Materials: Metal, Plastic, Ceramics, Wood, Rubber, Glass. -Quantity: 12 per box. -Price is for 1 Each. Testing and approvals: -Meets Fed. Spec. TT-F-325a.

Lacquer-Stik Paintstick, White Features

  • Temp. Range=-50.0 F [Min], 150.
  • Specially formulated paint in stick form designed to color-brighten stamped or engraved lines.
  • Paint stays flexible, expands and contracts with the surface.
  • Contains no solvents. Long-lasting will not rub off or smear.

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