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Best Cheap Dem-Bart Checkering Tool Kit Online

Dem-Bart Checkering Tool Kit

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Dem-Bart Checkering Tool Kit

  • Use for checkering gunstocks
  • Add checkered highlights on turnings, carvings and furniture
  • Contains 3 tools;
  • A checkering gauge and lay out template;
  • Includes Fundamentals of Gunstock Checkering

Dem-Bart Checkering Tool Kit
Whether you desire to add the beauty and function of checkering to your favorite firearm, or are looking for a way to make your woodworking project distinctive and eye catching, these high quality precision tools will allow you to produce professional results. Long recognized as some of the finest tools for checkering gunstocks, these tools have now been "discovered" by the rest of the woodworking community. Checkered highlights on turning, carving and furniture create a dramatic look that cannot be imitated by any other type of ornamentation. The set contains three tools: S-1 tool for getting into tight corners, curves and out of the way places. C-1 tool for making the original layout or pattern and to deepen the rows after they are marked in with the spacing tool. Style #2 tool which is a combination spacer and deepening tool with two cutting blades. Also included are interchangeable cutters, a #B-1 for final borders around the layout or pattern, F-1 spare cutter for the C-1 tool, and a #4-18 cutter which features two blades; the right hand blade is a cutter and the left blade does not have teeth for following a guide line to produce very straight rows. Also comes with a checkering gauge and lay out template and DEM-BARTs Fundamentals of Gunstock Checkering booklet.

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