
postheadericon Dremel 3000-1/24 1 Attachment/24 Accessories Rotary Tool

Discount Dremel 3000-1/24 1 Attachment/24 Accessories Rotary Tool Online

you looking for cheap Dremel 3000-1/24 1 Attachment/24 Accessories Rotary Tool?

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Dremel 3000-1/24 1 Attachment/24 Accessories Rotary Tool Overview

The Dremel 3000 is the workhorse of the Dremel brand. New enhancements such as the EX Twist "integrated wrench" nose cap allows you to switch between accessories without the Dremel wrench. The 360-Degree grip-zone improves balance and comfort while the improved venting and redesigned fan makes the 3000 run cooler and stay comfortable for longer duration jobs.

Dremel 3000-1/24 1 Attachment/24 Accessories Rotary Tool Specification

  • Variable speed form 5,000 to 35,000 rpm
  • Soft grip for comfort and control
  • Works with core attachments
  • Variable speed provides greater control with all accessories, increasing the list of potential materials tool will work effectively on
  • EX Twis Nose Cap Wrench

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