
postheadericon Professional Wood Carving Chisels with Cloth Pouch - 18 Piece

Cheap Professional Wood Carving Chisels with Cloth Pouch - 18 Piece Online Shop

you looking for low priced Professional Wood Carving Chisels with Cloth Pouch - 18 Piece?

before decision to buy, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells Professional Wood Carving Chisels with Cloth Pouch - 18 Piece and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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Professional Wood Carving Chisels with Cloth Pouch - 18 Piece Specification

  • Complete premium-grade chisel set with canvas carry and storage case - an outstanding tool value
  • Seven 8-1/2" chisels, hardened high-carbon steel blades with rubberized soft-grip handles
  • Blade styles include wide & narrow flat, rounded, concave, corner, straight and offset
  • Dual-grit aluminum oxide whetstone plus round, flat & triangular silicon carbide sharpening stones
  • Rugged poly-canvas case with elastic pockets to keep all organized & protected; 12" hardwood striker

Professional Wood Carving Chisels with Cloth Pouch - 18 Piece Overview

One of our most popular hand tool sets; makes a great gift for your favorite woodworker.

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