
postheadericon Two Cherries 515-3439 3-Piece Wood Carving Kit with Wooden Dolphin

Best Buy Two Cherries 515-3439 3-Piece Wood Carving Kit with Wooden Dolphin Web Store

Two Cherries 515-3439 3-Piece Wood Carving Kit with Wooden Dolphin

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Two Cherries 515-3439 3-Piece Wood Carving Kit with Wooden Dolphin

  • Ideal beginners wood carving kit
  • Includes semi-finished wooden dolphin
  • Pre-sharpened for immediate use
  • Hand forged in Germany
  • Ideal as a gift set or for personal use

Two Cherries 515-3439 3-Piece Wood Carving Kit with Wooden Dolphin
The Two Cherries 3-Piece Wood Carving Kit with Wooden Dolphin contains a semi-finished wooden dolphin and a set of basic woodcarving tools that includes three carving knives and a shallow gouge. The tools are hand forged in Germany and come pre-sharpened for immediate use. The set is packaged in an attractive carton making it an ideal choice as a gift or for personal use.

What's in the Box
Three carving knives, shallow gouge, and semi-finished dolphin.

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