
postheadericon TEKTON 6610 5/32-Inch Letter and Number Stamp Set, 36-Piece

Cheap TEKTON 6610 5/32-Inch Letter and Number Stamp Set, 36-Piece For Sale

you looking for inexpensive TEKTON 6610 5/32-Inch Letter and Number Stamp Set, 36-Piece?

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TEKTON 6610 5/32-Inch Letter and Number Stamp Set, 36-Piece Specification

  • Hardened Chrome Vanadium Steel Punches
  • Corrosion-Resistant Black Oxide Finish
  • Includes A - Z and 0 - 9 Characters
  • Imprints Metal, Wood, Plastic and Leather
  • Length: 2-3/8-Inch

TEKTON 6610 5/32-Inch Letter and Number Stamp Set, 36-Piece Overview

MIT LETTER & NUMBER PUNCH features: * Heat Treated, Chrome Vanadium Steel Punches * Black-Oxide Finished for Durability * 36 Punches Marked A-Z and 0-9 * Stamp Metal, Wood, Plastic and Leather * Permanently Imprint Names, Initials, and Codes on Personal Belongings * Helps Deter Theft and Recover Stolen Items * Punches Store in Stand-Up Wooden Index Box * Size: Shaft Length 2-3/8", Shaft Width 1/4", Character Size 5/32"

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